Deconstructing Mamas

Nice Churchy Patriarchy - Liz Cooledge Jenkins

Lizz Enns Petters and Esther Joy Goetz Season 6 Episode 73

"Our fight is not against men but against the systems of imbalanced power that keep women and nonbinary people from flourishing in the fullness of our gifts and offering this world the best we have to offer.” Liz Cooledge Jenkins 

Our episode this week is with Liz Cooledge Jenkins, preacher, writer and author of the book, Nice Churchy Patriarchy. Liz has a gentleness, yet brilliance about her and this conversation couldn't have been more enlightening and engaging.

Some of the topics we explore are these:

  • The definition of the Patriarchy and some insidious ways it has harmed both women, men and non-binary people.
  • The different faces of misogyny.
  • The systems of imbalanced power.
  • Should we have a matriarchy?
  • Supporting our kids in new belief systems while we are still wading through the toxic beliefs of our childhoods.

Our favorite words from this podcast episode were swinging, rapper, imbalance, Stratego, flourishing and insidious. Find out why when you listen.

You can find Liz at the following:

Instagram: @lizcoolj and @postevangelicalprayers
