Deconstructing Mamas

It's Not Complicated - Malynda Hale

Lizz Enns Petters and Esther Joy Goetz Season 5 Episode 64

Promote what you love instead of bashing what you hate. - Malynda Hale

Malynda Hale, mom, activist, singer, author and actress, is our guest this week. Malynda uses her voice through her music and social media presence as an educating activist to effect change within social justice, female empowerment, LGBTQ+ rights, the Black Lives Matter movement, Antisemitism and Progressive Christianity.

On this podcast episode, we dive deep into lots of that, but we also spend our time hashing out how to truly love ourselves and those around us, especially our kids. "It doesn't have to be complicated" was a theme that came up over and over again, something that felt like a balm to our over-busy and way-over-complicated lives.

We spent time chatting through these incredible questions:

1.  You are what you call a "progressive Christian. How would you define progressive christianity for yourself?

2. You use your platform to fight for the things that are important to you, which we really respect and love. What social justice issues do you feel aren’t getting the attention they deserve in the Church?

3. Your quote, "promote what you love instead of bashing what you hate," is powerful, and something that we strive for in our approach to deconstruction. How do you apply this to your life and why does it feel important to you?

4. We talk a lot about how our own journeys shift the ways that we relate to our kids. How does your work as an activist and artist spill over into your parenting?

5. Picture yourself sitting at your dinner table with your daughter. What would be your overarching message to her about God, faith and herself?

Our favorite words from this podcast episode were things like "normal" and "change" and "love" and "simple." Find out why when you listen.

You can find Malynda at the following:




P.S. There is one passion project that Malynda speaks about on the podcast that we want to highlight this week.  R.O.C ERA is a non profit organization that was founded with the hope to make the impossible, possible by serving our underprivileged children in black and brown communities.

They provide mentoring programs that curate experiences and expose them to programming that is not traditionally available to youth in impoverished communities. Programs that consist of visual and performing arts, fitness, nutrition, social and emotional skills.